Parker '51' Aerometric and Vacumatic Nibs and Filler Parts
Replacement Nibs and Filler parts for the Standar Parker '51' MKI, MKII and MKIII
and the DEMI Models as well as the Pump Unit for the Vacumatic.
All genuine Parker '51' parts that may show signs of ware or storage.
Some cleaning and polishing may be required.
Apart from the Marked Gold 14k nibs the other markings on the '51' nibs are
585 (This is the Decimal equivalent of 14k)
OS-PL (Osmiridium Plathenium) Early 1943 Nibs
RU-PL (Ruthinium Plathenium)
Some Gold Coloured Nibs have no markings
The Silver Coloured Nibs are Octanium (A mix of eight metals)