Nib Burnishing Set 4 Assorted Tools
Be aware that over burnishing will result in the metal of the nib hardening and may even become brittle and crack.
Remember, don't just jump in and start repairing your solid gold vintage nib, practice first with an old nib.
The amount of pressure used to achieve the finished result, will vary depending on the type, material and size of the nib.
When you have placed the nib in the correct position on the block either fix with a little tape on an edge or hold still with a finger tip.
When using the Roller make sure the edges and surface are not in contact with anything other than the nib. If the edges of the roller are touching the surface of the block you may not only damage the nib but the roller as well.
You may also find the placing a thin piece of paper over the nib will help with the action of the roller, also will not leave any marks on the nib..
It will take time and effort to repair a nib, practice and patience is essential in achieving the end result.